MMR HANGOUT! Welcome to the hangout for listeners of Mind Mix Radio! Radio for the awake and aware. We play news, talk, filk music, gamer favorites, irreverent, fan parodies, folk, paradigm movies, guest interviews, and more!
By Producer. Now Airing on Mind Mix Radio now thru Christmas, the classic radio children's story THE CINNAMON BEAR! Show will feature one episode nightly Monday thru Saturday at 5pm Mountain Time until completion.
An encore presentation of the entire series will air New Years Day.
This show is appropriate for all ages. Treat your self and your children to a taste of yesteryear with this charming audio story!
By Cyrellys Geibhendach. When I was little, a local radio station had a wonderful tradition of broadcasting the charming childrens story The Cinnamon Bear. Starting on Thanksgiving Night, MMR is following in this tradition in broadcasting this holiday series from 1937 in a salute to the storytelling roots of the Bardic Tradition of which Filk and Gamer Music is a part.
Heard on Mind Mix in the Evening with Cyrellys on 11-23-2017 we shared episodes 1 & 2 of The Cinnamon Bear. More to follow in the subsequent shows of Mind Mix in the Evening.
Mind Mix in the Evening with Cyrellys airs live every Tuesday and Thursday, discussing the paradigm of our day with news and commentary. Occasional guest appearance of Quintus Dias, Manticore Group resident research leader and others.